Why is Granola Healthy?

Oct 06, 2022

What is Granola?

Typically, Granola is produced by mixing ingredients such as rolled oats, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and a sweetener such as honey, maple syrup, or sugar. These ingredients are then baked together till it is crunchy and toasted.

While Granola is considered a classic breakfast item, it also works well as a convenient snacking option given its nutrition, crunchiness, and versatility.

What is the difference between Muesli and Granola?

While both Muesli and Granola are made with similar ingredients such as rolled oats, nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, the key differences between Muesli and Granola is that Muesli is typically an unbaked raw mixture of ingredients and is not baked. On the other hand, Granola is baked along with a sweetener and/or oil. It’s worth noting that SnacQ Granola is baked without a drop of oil and that is one of the reasons, it is healthier than most other granola options available in the Indian market, retail stores, and bakeries. Despite the technical difference between Granola and Muesli, many brands in India use the terms interchangeably. So now you know why Muesli and Granola are not the same.

In summary: Granola is baked, while Muesli is a raw mixture of ingredients.

Why is Granola healthy?

While granola is significantly better and healthier than refined sugary cereals, the healthiness of granola depends on the recipe and ingredients used by the brand. All granolas aren’t created equally! So, we recommend that you always read the ingredients and nutritional information to decide which granola is best for you.

These are the ingredients that make granola healthy!

I. Rolled Oats

Oats are whole grains and have a great amount of health and nutritional benefits and therefore are very commonly seen in breakfast bowls.

Why are oats healthy?

  1. Help in aiding weight loss: Oats contain soluble fibre, beta-glucan that is known to have several health benefits and can help with slow digestion, increase satiety – which means that it helps you remain full for longer and also suppresses your appetite. Effectively, consuming oats can potentially help you in your weight-loss goals!
  2. Good for Digestive Health: Fibre content in oats is also great for your digestive health and can help with regular bowel movements. Sounds gross but oats help increase the water content and weight of your stool so it can pass smoothly,
  3. Regulation of blood-sugar levels: Beta-glucan in oats also helps with any sharp rises in blood sugar and insulin levels and can be added to a diabetic diet.
  4. Gluten-Free: Oats are naturally gluten-free, so whether you are trying to improve your gut health or have dietary restrictions – consumption of oats can be a great, filling, and nutritious addition to your diet

II. Nuts

Nuts aren’t just tasty but can be super healthy too when consumed in moderation given the high content of protein, fibre, and unsaturated good fats in nuts. Moreover, nuts are also a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Given the nutrient-rich profile of nuts, they have several health benefits and can reduce the risk of heart diseases, lower cholesterol levels, and regulate blood glucose levels. However, it is important to consume nuts in moderation to help in aiding weight loss.

You should also watch out to make sure that the nuts in your granola or muesli aren’t roasted in oil as they add a lot of extra calories without adding incremental health benefits.

Nuts in SnacQ granola are roasted without any oil. Healthy nuts present in SnacQ Granola include almonds, peanuts, and pecans.

III. Seeds

Seeds are nutrient-dense and are considered as superfoods given the wide-variety of healthy and nutritional benefits, some of which are highlighted below:

High Protein Content: Seeds have a high protein content and are a great source of plant-based natural protein, especially for those following a vegan or vegetarian diet. Did you know that SnacQ’s Roasted Seeds Mix has 29g of natural protein per every 100 grams.

Great Source of Fibre: In addition to protein, seeds are also a great source of both soluble and insoluble fibre and are great for those looking to improve their gut health and bowel movement. Seeds are also helpful in improving blood sugar levels and lowering cholesterol.

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Seeds act as a great source of different vitamins and minerals that are essential for your health – heart health, immune system, nervous system, muscles, bones and much more.

Healthy seeds present in SnacQ Granola include – chia seeds, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

Why is SnacQ Granola Healthy?

SnacQ Granola is made with high quality natural ingredients. SnacQ’s granola is slow baked without oil (not a drop!). SnacQ’s healthy granola options also have no preservatives or added sugar in them.

Moreover, all SnacQ Granola flavours are gluten-free – so whether you are looking to improve your gut health or have dietary restrictions, SnacQ Granola makes for a great breakfast and snacking option for you.

In addition, SnacQ granola has high-natural plant-based protein content! It is rich in fibre, heart healthy fats such as Omega-3 and also contains no transfat. Great, isn’t it?

Wondering what is the protein content is different SnacQ flavours? Here you go.

  1. SnacQ Peanut Butter Granola – 18 grams
  2. SnacQ Almond Butter & Pecans Granola – 16 grams
  3. SnacQ Mocha Almond Granola – 15 grams
  4. SnacQ Dark Chocolate Granola – 11 grams
  5. SnacQ Berries & Nuts Granola – 11 grams

Protein content – per 100 grams. All-natural plant-based protein!

So, is SnacQ tasty?

At SnacQ, we truly believe that there is no substitute for TASTE. We ensure that our products aren’t just healthy but also great tasting. Our goal is to create the largest and tastiest healthy snacking brand in India. We are a brand from consumers for consumers.

Why believe us? We are humbled and glad to have won 2 Great Taste Awards for our granola flavours. Great Taste is the largest and most trusted food and beverage award globally!

How and When to Eat Granola?

While traditionally Granola is consumed at breakfast with milk (regular, oat, almond) or yogurt, we’ve made our granola crunchy so that you can also consume it as it is anytime of the day. It is not only a great breakfast option but also a great snack that you can carry with you to office, workouts, while traveling or anywhere you go. We’ve created a pocket-sized packet that is perfect to take with you anywhere you go. It easily fits into your backpack, purse and literally even your pocket.

If you are one of those, that ones to make your meals creative and interesting, we also have a recipe blog that has many such exxciting recipes for you. Check out interesting ways of eating granola below:

  1. SnacQ Peanut Butter and Granola Toast
  2. SnacQ Coffee Overnight Oats Recipe
  3. SnacQ Strawberry Banana Smoothie Bowl

For more recipes click here.


  1. More than breakfast – While traditionally granola is consumed as breakfast, it also doubles up as a great snacking option for travel, work, and even outdoor activities. SnacQ Granola is created in way that you can consume it as it is too and is also available in pocket-sized packs that you can carry wherever you go.
  2. Check what is in your granola – Not all granolas are created equally, read for the ingredients and nutritional information in your granola to check for added sugar, oil, or preservatives. Those things can add extra calories without any real nutritional benefits. SnacQ granola contains none of those and is made with only natural ingredients.
  3. Granola can offer you significant health benefits given the presence of oats, nuts, and seeds that can help to aid in your weight loss and provide you with high natural plant-based protein, fibre, heart-healthy fats, and vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are essential for a wide variety of bodily functions
  4. Convenience: For those who live a busy and healthy lifestyle – granola can be a great way for a quick and easy healthy breakfast and snack. Giving you all the nutrition and saving you all the time!





Granola & Breakfast Cereals

SnacQ mocha almond granola
Mocha Almond Granola
On Sale from Rs. 299.00
Mocha Almond Granola
Up to -25%
SnacQ Almond butter with pecans granola square banner
SnacQ almond butter with pecan granola square banner
On Sale from Rs. 299.00
Almond Butter with Pecans Granola
Up to -25%
dark chocolate granola without added sugar
gluten free chocolate
On Sale from Rs. 299.00
Dark Chocolate Granola
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Berries and Nuts Granola
SnacQ Berries and Nuts granola
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